Bible Heaven
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While the five ministries are chosen by God to the whole Body
of Christ, God has planned that there be other ministries
involved solely in the local church. Elders are to have
leadership responsibility of the local church, and deacons,
under the authority of the elders, are to be responsible for
the everyday material business of the life of the local
church. There are other vitally important ministries which
operate in the local Church to bring it to perfection. These
are mentioned specifically in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12.
The local church is self-governing and this government rests
in the hands of the elders. Each local church described in
the New Testament has a number of elders, not just one. When
one of the five ministries lives in a city and attends the
local church there, as he is recognised he becomes a co-elder
in that local church: he has equal authority in spiritual
matters with the elders who are already there. The calling of
and elder is very important, so there are high standards of
qualifications. In the early Church elders were appointed by
the apostles and not elected by popular vote. His ministry
was for life. An elder was established in the church after
prayer and fasting and the laying on of hands. The terms
"bishops" and "overseer" in the New Testament also refer to
the ministry of an elder.
His Qualifications: 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9.
1. Twelve moral qualifications:
- blameless - no just cause for him to be blamed;
- self-controlled;
- sensible;
- of good behaviour;
- gentle;
- fair-minded;
- not overfond of wine;
- not violent;
- not greedy for money;
- not quarrelsome;
- not self-willed;
- not quick tempered.
2. Four qualifications in the home.
- husband of one wife;
- hospitable - willing to receive strangers into his
- rules his own house well - bringing up obedient
children in right family relationship;
- keeps good company.
3. Six spiritual qualification.
- not a young convert - mature;
- holy;
- takes a firm stand on the doctrine he has been taught;
- well able to teach others;
- able to encourage the believers and convince those
opposing sound doctrine;
- of good reputation in the outside world.
His Ministry:
The elders ministry is similar to that of the pastor,
mentioned above. He is like a shepherd caring for the sheep
entrusted to him by God.
1. Has the compassion of a shepherd's heart. Matt.9:36;
John 10:11.
2. Feeds the sheep. Act.20:28; 1 Peter 5:2; Isaiah 40:11.
3. Rules the local church with love. 1 Tim. 5:17; 1 Thess
5:12,13; Romans 12:8.
4. Is an example - a pattern for Christian living. 1 Peter
5:3; Hebrews 13:7.
5. Leads his people. John 10:4; Psalms 23:2,3.
6. Cares for the church in a personal way. 1 Tim 3:5;
Hebrews 13:17; John 10:3,4.
7. Corrects wrong-doing. 1 Thess. 5:12; Acts 20:31;
Colossians 1:28.
8. Prays for the sick. Jams 5:14,15.
Like elders, the qualifications for this ministry are very
high and they first have to be proved in their ministry. The
deacons task is the oversight of the material things of church
life. His function is to serve willingly, releasing others to
minister. He is elected to office by the people with the
confirmation and laying on of hands of the ministry.
His Qualifications 1 Timothy 3:8-,13; Acts 6:1-7.
- of good reputation;
- full of the Holy Spirit;
- full of wisdom - sound judgment;
- acceptable to the people;
- serious;
- not double-tongued;
- not over-fond of wine;
- not greedy for money;
- blameless;
- husband of one wife;
- his wife to be serious and faithful in all things;
- ruling his family well.
We read of the first deacons being appointed in Acts 6:1-6.
Certain of these men were later numbered amongst the five
ministries, having prove themselves well in serving the
His Ministry
He handles finances, daily details of Church life, giving to
the poor and widows. Deacons are not just business men, but
men full of the Holy Ghost, and wisdom. Acts 6:3; God likens
the rulers and leaders of the world to deacons or ministers in
Roman 13:1-6.
This ministry involves any helping service for the Lord's
work, spiritual or practical. Unnecessary burdens can be
lifted from those in leadership with great responsibility. It
is a definite ministry that God "set in the Church" (1
Corinthians 12:28), not a ministry of ruling, but one of
seeing and meting needs in order to support those who so rule.
God is looking for faithfulness in small things first, then He
will give us greater responsibilities; we should not be
ashamed if we only have one talent. Zechariah 4:10; Matt
10:42; Luke 16:10.
All Christians are called to "exhort one another daily"
(Hebrews 10:25), especially in the days just before Christ's
return. But to some there is given a special ministry of
exhortation. (Romans 12:8). Through the enabling of the Holy
Spirit they comfort, encourage, impart faith and bring"a word
in season" (Isaiah 50:4) to believers in the church who need
it. At different times each one of us needs encouragement, so
this is a ministry with many opportunities for expression;
both privately and in public. It needs a sensitivity to the
leading of the Holy Spirit to know who to encourage and how to
do so without bringing condemnation (2 Timothy 4:2). Note
Paul's balanced instruction to Titus: that with confidence and
authority he should bring teaching, exhortation and rebuke to
those God has placed under his covering.
"He that giveth let him do it with simplicity" Romans 12:8: 2
Corinthians 9:7. This is a special ministry of liberal giving
to the Lord's work. It is dependent not on wealth, but on
faithfulness to the Lord and a continuing trust that God can
make us a channel of finance to His work under His direction.
Often the gift of faith operates to believe for large amounts
of money to be supernaturally supplied. God is always the
source of our supply and faith is the key that release it.
In this ministry giving goes above and beyond the
responsibility of all believers who are required to tithe and
give offerings. Leviticus 27:30; Matt 23;23. God's blessing
is promised. Luke 6:38; read Acts 20:35; Proverbs 11:24,25.
The Church of Macedonia were outstanding in their giving; for
even in the face of trails they gave with great joy beyond
what they could really afford. 2 Corinthians 8:1-5.
"He that showeth mercy, (do it) with cheerfulness." Romans
12:8 This a ministry of helping people in need by giving
encouragement, showing kindness, bringing comfort as well as
by practical help. Hebrews 13:16. It especially involves
visitation of the sick and the needy, and in the early Church,
included care of orphans and widows. Isaiah 1:17; Zechariah
7:9,10; James 1:27. Read Micah 6:8; Matthew 5:7; 25:34-40.
In this ministry we need to be sensitive to the needs that are
constantly around us. Philippines 2:4; 1 John 3:17. Though
we minister with a heart of love and self-sacrifice, God
brings reward and blessing to us in His own way. Luke 19:17;
Isaiah 58:10,11-1 "Are you called to help other? Do it with
all the strength and energy that God will be glorified through
Jesus Christ ... " 1 Peter 4:11. LB).
Priscilla and Aquila re good examples of this ministry and are
called "helpers in Christ Jesus".
Romans 16:3. They risked their lives for the apostle Paul to
help him fulfil his ministry. in Acts 18:26 we see how they
take Apollos aside to explain to him the way of God more
perfectly. Other examples are Acts 13:5; 1 Corinthians
An intercessor is one who enters into deep prayer before God
on behalf of people and situations. There is a great need in
the Body of Christ for this ministry. Ezekiel 22:30; Isaiah
59-16. In this ministry the Holy Spirit prays through the
intercessor according to God's desires. Romans 8:26,27. The
Greatest intercessor is Jesus. Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25;
5:7; John 17:9.
There are different kinds of intercession.
1. bearing the burdens of the Lord: for nations or
individuals; or the burdens of other people who are in
desperate physical or spiritual need and may not
understand or be able to pray deeply for their need. 1
Timothy 2:1; Romans 12:15. Jesus wept for Jerusalem.
Luke 19:41.
2. travail; just as childbirth involves travail and pain,
this aspect of intercession brings something to the birth
in the Spirit (eg. ministries in the Church) and involves
travail, often accompanied by weeping and groaning.
Isaiah 66:7; Micah 4:10; 5:3; Romans 8:26.
3. warfare: fighting in prayer against the Satanic powers of
darkness. There needs to be a deep understanding that
"we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against
principalities, against powers..." Ephesians 6:12, and
that Christ, in rising from the dead, won total victory
over Satan. Matthew 28:18; Ephesians 1:20-22; Colossians